Thursday, August 9, 2012
Really got into drawing this one
tonight...started her last night and couldn't wait to work on her
tonight - This is "Transformation", a 4x6 inche Fairy-Tangle™, micron pen and graphite
on smooth 400 series Bristol Board....still my favorite paper.
Monday, August 6, 2012
The Release
"The Release", 2.5x3.5 inches, Graphite and Micron Pen on 400 series
Bristol Board. I think this might be a personal favorite....something
about the pure black and white.
Now Available on EBAY
Now Available on EBAY
Watcher of Fall
Finally got to finish this one other night - Fairy Tangle ACEO card,
2.5x3.5 inches, micron pen, tinted graphite, graphite and touches of
clear star glitter pen throughout.
Now Available on EBAY
Now Available on EBAY
"Flight", Fairy-Tangle™ Art Card, 2.5x3.5 inches. Micron pen, graphite, tinted graphite and touches of clear star glitter pen throughout....sparkly magic! Draw on 400 Series Bristol Board. The glitter pen doesn't show up on the scan, but I've used "clear star" glitter pen throughout, adding a bit of sparkle and magic.
Currently Available on EBAY
Currently Available on EBAY